Times have been hard since Keir went away, but now that we have decided to throw credit cards to the wind, the anguish has lessened. My tickets to Sydney are booked, as is my lovely National Express coach trip from Shaftesbury to Heathrow Airport. Rhi informs me it's like visiting a town....except it's an airport. Fabulous! I was a little worried when I found that each terminal has a dedicated bus service. Eep. I must remain positive though. I am the fearless traveller, and no obstacle will overcome me, especially not long-haul flights and the possibility of having all my camera film ruined by the x-rays at customs.
Despite my worries, I am pleased as punch and am now eagerly counting the days until New Year. I spent all day yesterday in a self-created sweatshop, manufacturing handmade jewellery for the wah classes to gift their loved ones. Keir is busy beavering away at his matched betting to make us some extra dinero, and both of our parents are contributing towards it, which is wonderful news for us. I've counted the piggybank- it's an extra thirty squid. Woot. I almost made the grave error of pouring the thing into the Coinstar at Sainsburys, until I remembered that all it gives you in return is a voucher for groceries. Nuh-uh.
Oh, and we invented a new word last night- 'Flunging'. The meaning is disputed, but I think we agreed at least on it being some form of ear-sex. I also believe that Nick put it on Wikipedia. But I'm not sure. I have learned a lot of words recently. Cam told me what 'Docking' is. Josh and Anja showed me a pornographic drawing on the coach home from Amsteram to explain the concept of 'Swordfighting'. All these words are sure to come in handy. One day.
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